Join our waitlist now for more information and to hold your spot! Pilot Program Coming Soon!

Empowering Struggling Young Men

Trickle-down mentoring offers a unique and meaningful work opportunity, mental health training and peer mentoring for young men.

difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor
difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor

Trickle-Down Mentoring

Empowering Young Men

Trickle-Down Mentoring is a start-up non-profit, aiming to address the growing epidemic of young men entering the juvenile detention and prison system. It is a direct response to the “school to prison pipeline” which includes policies and practices that directly and indirectly push students out of school and on a pathway to prison, through addressing underlying issues and providing services such as counseling, mentoring, behavior therapy and tutoring. Trickle-Down Mentoring expects to grow exponentially with branches throughout the communities, states and the nation.

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grayscale photo of 3 women standing and smiling
grayscale photo of two boys
grayscale photo of two boys

Our Mission

To provide a solution for at-risk young men in need of positive male role models and mentors. Our goal is to reach as many young men as possible through a multi-tiered online platform. Our objective is to be a stopgap for these young men to prevent their entrance into the school to prison pipeline.

man tying his shoe lace
man tying his shoe lace

A New Movement

Our multi-level mentoring model addresses the shortage of mentors available to youth in need of mentoring through the training and delegation of mentoring services to a “small army” of peer mentors.

a couple of cows standing on top of a grass covered field

Program Details

  • Peer Mentor Training Program - At the head of each hierarchy (trickle down pyramid), is a counselor/LMHC. Peer mentors will be trained and monitored by experienced counselors who will determine their readiness to move forward to start working or if they need to further training/counseling before moving forward. For qualified applicants training and peer mentoring will be paid. Counseling/mentoring will continue as needed. (Ages 18-25)

  • Mentee Enrollment - Our model provides the opportunity for mentees to train to become peer mentors. (Ages 7-17)

  • Multi-Level Mentoring

    • LMHC will train and mentor peer mentors. (Ages 18-25)

    • Peer mentors will mentor at risk children youth ages 7-17 in small online groups, 2x-3x per week.

Building a brighter future

We provide a win-win model in that whether or not our peer mentors continue to work with us or move on to other endeavors, the training, mentoring and counseling they will have received will benefit their lives significantly.

silhoutte of mountains during sunset
silhoutte of mountains during sunset

For more information or to join our waitlist: